
More on DOC 2011!

First, to all of you who have been wondering where my thoughtful and theological posts are, they're coming.  I hope to be posting some of those thoughts as I get into the swing of ministry on campus and get my "thoughtful juices" flowing.  I may have to dedicate an entirely new blog (maybe just a new page on this one) to those musings.  My main purpose for this blog is to keep all of our supporters updated -- about our ministry, about our family, about our growth as Christ-followers.  We'll see where all the other stuff fits in later, but for now, the things that are cooking on my brain are how much we appreciate each and every one of those who are helping make our dreams a reality.  Simply said: this blog is committed to those who have made a commitment to us.

Now, more about the 2011 Dutch Oven Cookout...

The idea started when a few folks down at the Mustard Seed Thrift Store began thinking that they would love to be able to bless the work of Impact Campus Ministries. Many people weren't in a place where they could join a monthly support team and wondered how they could help everyone be a part of this journey?  So, they came up with an idea where they would throw a big party/cookout where folks could bring their Dutch Ovens, enjoy a hobby, and raise money all at the same time.  Well, that was a great idea, but what it ended up becoming was even better...


As word continued to spread, the idea continued to grow.  A band (thanks Marla, Tony and gang!) agreed to serenade us with wonderful music during the event.  Baskets were created, quilts were made, and donations were given for a raffle.  Over 120 people had signed up to be a part of the event.  The venue (county fairgrounds) was secured.  God blessed us with incredible weather...

I stood in awe as I watched these master chefs go about their business of "dutch oven-ing".  The end product was an incredible time of fun, family, laughter, prizes, music and, -- of course -- amazing food (my personal favorite: John Gallian's cherry cobbler).

The whole evening was overwhelming and little numbing for us and our family as we witnessed and heard all of the support from so many that we love and will miss dearly.  We are so thankful for your support and are thrilled to have you on our team.  To everyone who was a part of this electric and lovely event, we thank you (special thanks to Janine Gallian for the pics).

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