If you read in our last newsletter, you know that this year was an unbelievable year of unhealthy busyness. Since Marty’s return from Israel/Turkey, the fall has been such a better approach to our ministry. As we have learned and grown from this, life went on. Here is a look at our family’s year!
JANUARY — The year started as it usually does, celebrating our anniversary; we celebrated our fourteenth anniversary. Becky is convinced that each year gets better (no, Marty didn’t make that up) and she couldn’t think of a better way to begin each year.
MARCH — March was the month of Zeke and Cub Scouts. Zeke worked incredibly hard at making his pinewood derby car (Dad did too!), and he placed third and got to go to the district tournament! When spring break rolled around, the family took a long road trip around the Pacific Northwest visiting friends.
APRIL — The month kicked off with the busyness that surrounds the celebration of Resurrection Sunday. Marty got to team preach in the Beasley Coliseum at Washington State University.
MAY — We celebrated Becky’s birthday and finished up school — a busy season.
JUNE — We made our usual trip to Twin Falls to see supporters and family. We also took the time to celebrate Zeke’s 8thbirthday.

AUGUST — This is the month of annual swimming lessons. Both kids always do great and absolutely love spending time in the water. Becky got to run in the “Spokane to Sandpoint” relay for a second time. She loves to run in these races and saw a lot of improvement on her times from last year.
SEPTEMBER — Back to school! Abby is in fourth grade, and Zeke is in second. Abby is being challenged by her teacher this year, and Zeke insists that this is his best year of school ever! Becky is still watching children during the week and took on a new baby boy; she is loving all the snuggles.
OCTOBER — Becky was able to leave the kids with Grandma and Grandpa and join Marty on a work trip to Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio. She enjoyed getting to meet many of the ICM staff and seeing some of the places where Marty spends his time on the road.
NOVEMBER — Marty wrapped up his hunting season without getting an animal (very rare!), but still thoroughly enjoyed getting out in the mountains, as he does every year. It was a good time of resetting his own personal clock. Zeke tried a new sport this fall when he joined a wrestling club. He did very well and placed second at the beginner’s tournament they had at the end. We also enjoyed heading to Twin Falls for Thanksgiving; it’s always a great time with family.
DECEMBER — We get to be home to celebrate Abby’s 10thbirthday and will spend Christmas in Montana.
This was a great year of learning valuable lessons and making some much needed adjustments. Marty can really feel the difference in his mental and emotional health, and the family is always better when we are healthier.
As always, we wish all of you a very Merry Christmas, and we are thankful for your place in our life.